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Private Sessions


Looking for a good time?


Connect and create at our Paint Jams!


They are held at venues like breweries, cafes, and places where people gather to have fun. These social painting events are designed for all skill levels—just bring your enthusiasm and let your imagination run wild as you sip, chat, and create your masterpiece. Spend a couple of hours for fun, relaxation, and making memories with friends old and new.


We can't wait to meet you!

Dive in deeper...


Designed for those who want to explore and experiment with different materials and techniques. The Art Lab sessions run about 3 to 5 hours where you'll dive deeper into various artistic processes. Whether you're are looking to expand your creative skills or a beginner eager to learn, our Art Labs provide the perfect opportunity to unleash your creativity, learn something new, and connect with your community. 


We hope to see you soon at the art lab!

Let's collaborate!


We love to offer unique opportunities for creative expression!


Do you have an idea? Let's try to make it happen! 


Maybe it's body paint prints your interested in, or a family night paint party, birthday party, or bridal shower.


Let's talk about your ideas and create an unforgettable event!




Contact Us
Call 209.559.3006 or send us a message

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If you have any questions about your booking

or an upcoming event, please don't

hesitate to reach out to us.


We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Also, please let us know if you require

any accommodations for access

and participation.

Thank You!

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